Ultimate Strategy for the Last Month Before OPSC OAS Prelims 2023

The Odisha Public Service Commission (OPSC) Odisha Administrative Service (OAS) examination is one of the most prestigious and competitive exams in Odisha. Aspiring candidates invest years of preparation to clear the OPSC OAS Prelims and move towards the Mains and Interview stages. With the Prelims stage acting as the first filter, it is crucial to have a well-defined strategy, particularly in the last month before the exam. The Prelims exam will be held on 27 October 2024 tentatively. The pressure mounts, but this is also the time to consolidate your knowledge and fine-tune your preparation.

This article delves into a comprehensive one-month strategy, emphasizing the importance of revision, practice, mental health, and a structured plan for aspirants to boost their chances of success.

Before delving into the strategy, it is important to revisit the exam pattern:

Prelims Structure

The OPSC OAS Prelims examination consists of two papers:

  • Paper I: General Studies (GS)
    • Objective type
    • Total marks: 200
    • Duration: 2 hours
  • Paper II: General Studies (CSAT – Civil Services Aptitude Test)
    • Objective type
    • Total marks: 200
    • Duration: 2 hours
    • Qualifying nature (33% required)

The marks of Paper I will determine whether a candidate clears the Prelims and qualifies for the Mains. However, it’s important to remember that Paper II is qualifying, so consistent practice is needed to ensure scoring the minimum 33% marks.

The First 20 Days: Strengthening the Core

The first 20 days are pivotal in ensuring that your fundamentals are strong and that you have revised all important topics. This is the time to consolidate your subject-wise knowledge.

Subject-wise Focus

History, Geography, and Polity

    • Focus on revising key concepts and factual data.
    • For History, revise important events from Ancient, Medieval, and Modern India, with particular focus on Modern History as it holds more weightage.
    • In Geography, emphasize on physical geography, climate patterns, major rivers, and environmental concepts.
    • Polity demands familiarity with the Constitution, key articles, important amendments, and the functioning of the Parliament and Judiciary.


      • Revise the basics of Indian Economy, focusing on GDP, inflation, poverty alleviation schemes, fiscal and monetary policies, and government welfare schemes.
      • Keep an eye on current economic trends and important budget-related information.

      Environment and Ecology

        • With environmental awareness gaining prominence in the OAS Prelims, ensure you revise topics related to biodiversity, wildlife conservation, climate change, international agreements, and environmental policies.

        Science and Technology

          • While the OPSC OAS Prelims does not focus heavily on advanced science, basic questions from Physics, Chemistry, and Biology do appear.
          • Keep an eye on developments in space technology, biotechnology, and advancements in medicine.

          Current Affairs

            • Dedicate daily time to revising the last 6-12 months of current affairs.
            • Focus on government schemes, international organizations, major events, and any Odisha-specific news.
            • Regularly revise important editorials and opinions from newspapers to help in improving analytical thinking.

            CSAT Preparation

              • While the CSAT paper is qualifying, you must not neglect it.
              • Practice questions related to comprehension, basic numeracy, reasoning, and problem-solving.
              • Regular practice will ensure that you easily qualify the minimum 33% threshold.

              Revision Strategy

              • Notes and Mind Maps: By this time, aspirants should have comprehensive notes or summaries of major topics. The first 20 days should focus on revisiting these notes. Mind maps can be an excellent tool to quickly revise vast topics and maintain continuity of concepts.
              • One Topic at a Time: Given the vastness of the syllabus, focus on one topic at a time. Allocate specific days for each subject, ensuring that every subject gets due attention. A common mistake is focusing too much on strengths and neglecting weaknesses.
              • Mock Tests: Incorporate mock tests into your schedule early on. However, in the first 20 days, take subject-wise mock tests rather than full-length tests. This will help identify weak areas in each subject. Ensure you review the answers thoroughly, paying attention to why a particular answer is correct or incorrect.

              The last 10 days before the exam are crucial for testing your knowledge and consolidating what you have already learned. The focus should be on mock tests and multiple revisions rather than learning new topics.

              Full-Length Mock Tests

              • Simulate Exam Conditions: In the last 10 days, take full-length mock tests that simulate the actual Prelims exam. This not only tests your knowledge but also familiarizes you with the pressure of the real exam.
              • Time Management: These tests will help you manage your time effectively during the exam. Since the Prelims exam is based on objective questions, time management is key. Practice finishing both papers within the allotted time.

              Focus on High-Weightage Topics

              By now, you should have identified the topics that are most important for the exam. Prioritize these in the last 10 days. For example, Polity and Modern History have always been high-weightage areas in the OPSC OAS Prelims, so ensure you revise them thoroughly.

              CSAT Final Practice

              • For the CSAT paper, solve previous year questions and sample papers.
              • Don’t spend excessive time on CSAT, but ensure that you are comfortably clearing the qualifying marks.

              Revision Notes

              • Your revision in these last days should focus on short notes and one-liners.
              • Keep revising important dates, terms, and key concepts in bullet points.

              Rest and Mental Preparation

              • Don’t push yourself too hard in the last week. A tired mind is less productive.
              • Balance your preparation with ample rest and a good night’s sleep. Ensure you get at least 7-8 hours of rest daily.

              Create a Realistic Timetable

              • Prepare a structured timetable for the entire month. It’s important to have a balanced approach—one that covers all subjects without overwhelming you.
              • Dedicate mornings to subjects that require intense focus (e.g., Economics or Polity) and afternoons to lighter topics (e.g., Current Affairs or Geography).
              • Leave the evenings for revision and mock tests.

              Effective Use of Study Resources

              • Previous Year Papers: Solve the last 10 years of OPSC OAS Prelims papers. These will give you a clear idea of the types of questions asked.
              • Mock Test Series: Use online or offline test series to regularly test yourself. Analyze the results and work on weak areas.
              • Standard Books: In the last month, focus on revision of the standard books like:
              • Polity: M. Laxmikanth
              • History: Spectrum’s Modern India
              • Economy: Ramesh Singh or relevant notes
              • Environment: Shankar IAS or concise notes from coaching materials

              Tackle Weaknesses

              • Identify weak areas from your mock test analysis and focus more on those topics.
              • For example, if you find you are consistently getting incorrect answers in Polity, revise the chapters again, focusing on the sections where you made mistakes.

              Regular Current Affairs Updates

              • Set aside 30-45 minutes daily to update yourself with the latest current affairs. Use reliable sources like The Hindu, Indian Express, or monthly magazines like Vision IAS or Insight IAS for consolidated current events.

              Maintain Physical and Mental Fitness

              • Don’t underestimate the importance of physical fitness during this time. Engage in light exercises or yoga to keep your mind and body active.
              • Meditation can help in improving focus, reducing stress, and maintaining a positive attitude.

              The last month before the exam can be mentally taxing. It is important to maintain your mental well-being.

              Stay Positive

              • Surround yourself with positive influences and stay motivated. Watch interviews of successful candidates, read motivational quotes, or talk to mentors.

              Relaxation Techniques

              • Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing or mindfulness to reduce anxiety. Even a 10-minute break for mindfulness can improve your focus for the next study session.

              Stay Away from Negative Influences

              • Avoid excessive discussions with other aspirants or comparing your preparation with theirs. Everyone has their own pace and approach.

              Finally, the day before the exam should be treated with care.

              Avoid Studying New Topics

              • Focus only on revision. Go through your notes, and focus on frequently asked questions. Avoid the temptation to study new topics or go deep into something you missed earlier.

              Relax and Recharge

              • Ensure you get proper sleep. Stay calm and avoid overthinking. The mind functions best when it is well-rested.

              Exam Day Essentials

              • Prepare your documents: Ensure you have your admit card and photo identification ready.
              • Dress comfortably, and reach the examination center well in advance.

              With one month left for the OPSC OAS Prelims Examination, success lies in effective revision, consistent practice, and a calm, focused mind. A balanced approach, focused revision, full-length mock tests, and mental preparation are key to tackling the challenge ahead. Remember, this final phase is not about cramming everything but about consolidating what you have already learned, refining your approach, and mentally preparing yourself for the big day.

              Stay confident, trust your preparation, and go into the exam with a positive mindset!

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