Why OPSC OAS is the Toughest Exam in Odisha?

Odisha Public Service Commission (OPSC) conducts various competitive exams to recruit candidates for administrative and other significant positions in the state of Odisha. Among all these, the Odisha Civil Services Examination (OCS), commonly referred to as OPSC, is regarded as the toughest exam in the state. The examination is perceived to be difficult due to various factors, such as the vast syllabus, intense competition, multiple stages, and the nature of questions. This article explores why the OPSC exam is considered the most challenging in Odisha, providing a comprehensive analysis of the factors contributing to its difficulty.

Extensive and Diverse Syllabus

One of the primary reasons the OPSC exam is considered tough is its extensive syllabus, which spans multiple subjects and disciplines. The exam syllabus includes various topics from General Studies, such as History, Geography, Polity, Economics, Science, and Current Affairs. In addition to these, candidates have to choose an optional subject from a list that includes specialized areas such as Public Administration, Sociology, Philosophy, Law, and more.

The breadth and depth of the syllabus require a thorough understanding of multiple disciplines. Unlike other exams that may focus on a particular domain, OPSC demands a multidisciplinary approach. Candidates must grasp the basics of diverse fields while also diving deep into specific subjects. This vast syllabus makes it challenging to cover all topics adequately, requiring months, if not years, of dedicated study and preparation.

Multiple Stages of Examination

The OPSC exam comprises three stages: Preliminary Examination, Main Examination, and Personality Test (Interview). Each stage serves as an elimination round, progressively increasing in difficulty.

  • Preliminary Examination: The preliminary exam is an objective type test with two papers — General Studies Paper I and General Studies Paper II (CSAT). The competition is fierce, as the number of candidates appearing for this stage is exceptionally high. Only a small percentage of them qualify for the next round. The questions in this stage are often conceptual and analytical, requiring a clear understanding of various subjects.
  • Main Examination: This is a descriptive type examination, consisting of nine papers, including four General Studies papers, two papers for an optional subject, an essay paper, Odia and English language papers, and a compulsory Odia language paper. The nature of questions in the mains exam is designed to test the analytical abilities, writing skills, and in-depth knowledge of candidates. The descriptive nature of the exam requires candidates to not only have factual knowledge but also to present arguments coherently and constructively.
  • Personality Test (Interview): The final stage, the personality test or interview, is aimed at assessing the candidate’s overall personality, decision-making ability, communication skills, and suitability for administrative roles. The interview panel consists of experienced and senior officials who scrutinize every aspect of a candidate’s demeanor, knowledge, and thought process. Many candidates who have cleared the mains often find the interview the most challenging part due to the unpredictability of questions and the psychological pressure.

High Level of Competition

The OPSC exam is characterized by intense competition. Every year, thousands of aspirants from diverse educational and professional backgrounds vie for a limited number of vacancies. The ratio of candidates appearing for the exam to those finally selected is extremely low, making it a highly competitive examination.

The competition is further intensified by the increasing number of coaching centers and online resources that prepare candidates specifically for OPSC. As a result, candidates are better prepared than ever before, raising the overall standard and difficulty of the examination. This makes the exam not just a test of knowledge but also a test of perseverance, mental fortitude, and strategic planning.

Analytical and Conceptual Questions

The nature of questions in the OPSC exam is both analytical and conceptual. Unlike other exams that might test rote learning or memorization, the OPSC exam is designed to assess a candidate’s analytical abilities, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Questions are often framed in such a way that they require an application of concepts rather than just factual recall.

For instance, in the mains exam, a single question might require an answer that combines knowledge from multiple disciplines, requiring candidates to connect dots across various topics. This multi-dimensional approach to question-setting ensures that only candidates with a deep understanding of the subjects and the ability to think critically and analytically can clear the exam.

Unpredictable and Dynamic Nature of the Exam

The OPSC exam is known for its unpredictable nature. The exam pattern, difficulty level, and types of questions can vary significantly from year to year. This unpredictability poses a significant challenge for candidates, as it makes it difficult to prepare with a fixed strategy.

Additionally, the inclusion of dynamic topics such as current affairs and issues of national and international importance requires candidates to stay updated continuously. The vast amount of information available in these areas makes it challenging to filter out what is important for the exam, adding another layer of difficulty to the preparation process.

Comprehensive Evaluation Process

The evaluation process for the OPSC exam is rigorous and comprehensive. Each answer script in the mains exam is meticulously evaluated, and the marks awarded are based on the depth of content, clarity of thought, coherence of presentation, and overall understanding of the subject matter. Unlike other exams where objective-type questions are machine-graded, the descriptive nature of the OPSC mains requires human evaluation, which is often more stringent and subjective.

Additionally, the interview process is designed to assess a candidate’s personality traits, emotional intelligence, decision-making skills, and ethical values. This comprehensive evaluation process ensures that only the best candidates, who demonstrate not only academic proficiency but also a well-rounded personality, are selected for the prestigious positions.

Requirement of Consistent and Long-Term Preparation

The OPSC exam demands consistent and long-term preparation. It is not an exam that one can prepare for in a short span. Due to its vast syllabus, diverse topics, and dynamic nature, candidates often require at least a year or more of dedicated study to prepare effectively. This preparation is often accompanied by regular revision, practice, and mock tests to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the subjects.

Moreover, preparation for OPSC involves not just studying books and materials but also staying updated with current affairs, reading newspapers, and engaging with multiple sources of information. This long-term commitment can be mentally and physically exhausting, requiring high levels of dedication, discipline, and motivation.

Pressure and Psychological Stress

The psychological pressure associated with the OPSC exam is immense. Given the high stakes, candidates often experience stress, anxiety, and fear of failure. The pressure to perform, coupled with the uncertainty of results, adds to the mental burden. Many candidates prepare for years without success, which can lead to burnout and frustration.

The multiple stages of the examination process, the long waiting periods for results, and the need to stay constantly motivated and focused add to the psychological stress. Managing this stress effectively is as crucial as academic preparation, and only those who can maintain a balanced mental state are likely to succeed.

Limited Number of Attempts and Age Restrictions

OPSC imposes a limit on the number of attempts a candidate can make, along with an upper age limit for appearing in the examination. For general category candidates, the number of attempts is capped, and the upper age limit is strictly enforced. This adds to the difficulty, as candidates have limited chances to clear the exam, making every attempt crucial.

The pressure to succeed within these limited attempts can be overwhelming, forcing candidates to prepare thoroughly for every stage of the examination. The combination of age restrictions and attempt limits means that candidates cannot afford to take the exam lightly, adding another layer of difficulty.

Comparative Difficulty with Other State Exams

When compared to other state-level competitive exams in Odisha, OPSC is regarded as the most challenging due to its comprehensive syllabus, multi-stage process, and the caliber of questions asked. While other exams may focus on specific domains or have a simpler format, OPSC is designed to test a candidate’s all-round ability — from academic knowledge to administrative aptitude and personality traits.

Furthermore, the OPSC exam is often compared with the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) exam in terms of difficulty level. Though the UPSC is a national-level exam, the OPSC exam is similarly rigorous in the context of Odisha, demanding a high level of preparation and skill from its candidates.

Role of Optional Subjects

The choice of optional subjects plays a critical role in the OPSC mains exam. The difficulty of the exam is compounded by the fact that candidates have to choose an optional subject that they may not be familiar with. The syllabus for these optional subjects is often as vast as the General Studies papers, and the level of expertise required is quite high.

The performance in the optional subject papers can significantly affect the overall ranking of a candidate. Therefore, candidates must choose their optional subjects carefully and prepare for them with the same rigor and dedication as the compulsory papers. The uncertainty surrounding the scoring pattern for different optional subjects also adds to the unpredictability and difficulty of the examination.

Evolving Nature of the Examination

The OPSC exam pattern and syllabus are periodically revised to align with contemporary issues and changing governance needs. This evolving nature requires candidates to stay adaptable and continuously update their preparation strategies. The dynamic nature of the syllabus, especially the General Studies papers, means that no preparation is ever “complete.” Candidates must stay agile, keep learning, and adjust their strategies to cope with any changes.


The OPSC exam is undeniably the toughest exam in Odisha due to its vast syllabus, multiple stages of evaluation, high level of competition, and comprehensive assessment process. It requires not only intellectual abilities but also perseverance, patience, and a strategic approach to preparation. The unpredictability of the exam pattern and the dynamic nature of questions further add to its difficulty. Success in the OPSC exam is a testament to a candidate’s hard work, dedication, and all-around capabilities, making it the most challenging and prestigious examination in Odisha.

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